Hey there, How are you?
Let me tell you a secret first, you have great knowledge of what websites are and how to access them, as you have reached this blog post. But it is important to know these days how everything works out. In this blog post let us discuss all about websites.
Basics First, How it all Started.
A particular place (also called as a site), referred over the internet is a website (also called as a web site). This defines that a set of web pages and its contents is identified by a domain name and resides on a web server somewhere on this planet earth that can be accessed by anyone and everyone.
In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee a British CERN physicist (Also known as the “Father of the Internet”) created the Protocols HTTP & HTML, which in its advanced form is still the foundation of data communication over the World Wide Web (WWW). The first website created was http://info.cern.ch is still active at the CERN Archives.
A website has a particular layout when entering via a domain name you land up at its Homepage. HyperLinks inside of the pages allows users to navigate through the pages. The pages are a collection of text, images and content all put together with a great layout, making it easier for the end-user to understand and read.
The same communication technology can be created inside of a private network and can have websites running privately. So websites can be broken into Intranet (those used privately) and Extranet (available globally).
Current Statistics, How many Website are there anyway?
It all started with a simple website, and as business and people started to know of this new technology, it has been on an increase ever since. Currently nearly 50% of the new websites and users are coming from ASIA. But the dominant languages of the web are English, Chinese, Japanese, German & Russian.
The current statistics on the web is quite staggering.
- Websites : 1,827,039,747
- Active Websites : ~400,000,000
- Internet Users : 4,787,386,248
- Total Monetary Transactions : over 4 Trillion $
Whats Kept in future of Websites?
Seeing the current progress over the internet. Its seems more businesses will be done and finalized over the internet.
This blog is a work in progress and will be updated and finished in a day or 2.
Final Thoughts!
Thank you.